Florian Meinert's dissertation awarded twice

March 16, 2017 / PI5


IQOQI Dissertation Prize 2016

The Dissertation Prize is awarded annually since 2013 by the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) at the University of Innsbruck. The prize is given to graduates of a PhD program undertaken at the University of Innsbruck for scientifically outstanding achievements in the field of quantum physics. Florian Meinert will receive the prize on March 27th 2017 for his work on many-body dynamics of strongly interacting bosons in one-dimensional systems.

DPG Dissertation Prize 2017 in the AMOP section

The divisions of the DPG sections annually award PhD prizes. The prizes acknowledge outstanding research from a PhD work, and its excellent written and oral presentation at the DPG conference. The winner in the AMOP section (atoms, molecules, quantum optics and plasma) was chosen out of four candidates by the AMOP jury. Florian Meinert received the prize for his PhD thesis and his presentation Quantum dynamics in strongly correlated one-dimensional Bose gases.

IQOQI press release

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