Optical cavity with tweezer beams

Join the new Quantum Network Node group

July 30, 2024

We are looking for highly motivated PhD, Master, and Bachelor students. Apply now!

Do you like team working on exciting novel applications in experimental quantum information science and quantum networks? Then the new Quantum Network Node Group led by Stephan Welte could be ideal for you.

My new group works on implementing versatile quantum network nodes for applications in quantum communication and computation. These nodes consist of an optical cavity that contains an array of individually addressed atoms. The atoms are arranged into regular arrays with optical tweezers and act as stationary qubits which interact via photons propagating in the cavity. The group will focus on photon-mediated quantum information processing between the intra-cavity atoms, the generation of optical cluster states, and the realization of optical Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states. In the long term, it is planned to realize a quantum network with several nodes connected via glass fibers.

The group offers work on exciting and novel experiments at the intersection between quantum computation and quantum communication science in an international research environment. A high degree of motivation and dedication to research is required, along with the ability to work in a research team. A background in quantum optics is advantageous, but not required.

In your project, you will have the opportunity to

  • contribute to state-of-the-art quantum information science experiments
  • work in an international research group
  • acquire technical skills in optics, mechanical engineering, vacuum technology, programming,…
  • improve your communication skills by presenting scientific results at international conferences and
    colleagues around the world
  • write scientific publications

I am looking for highly motivated PhD, Master, and Bachelor students. For more information please contact me.

CZS Junior Research Group for Quantum Photonics 'Quantum Network Node'


This image shows Stephan Welte

Stephan Welte


Leader of the CZS Junior Research Group for Quantum Photonics and Emmy Noether Group

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