ICOLS2023 Poster Award

ICOLS 2023 Poster Award for Max Mäusezahl

July 1, 2023

Max Mäusezahl awarded for his poster presentation at ICOLS 2023 Conference

ICOLS 2023 Poster Award for Max Mäusezahl

Max Mäusezahl, currently a PhD student in the Quantum Optics with Hot Atom Vapors team, has been recognized by a poster award at the International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS 2023).

The 25th edition of this prestigious, international conference took place in Estes Park (United States) from Jun 25-30, and brought together more than 150 international researchers working in the fields of quantum, atomic and molecular physics.

Max's winning poster, titled "Controlled and collective atomic interactions in thermal vapor cells progressing towards a unique single photon source", showcased his groundbreaking research in the field and left a lasting impression on the conference attendees and judges.

PI5 congratulates very warmly on this prestigious award!

Congratulations also to the other winners Annie Park (Harvard), Chuankun Zhang (JILA) and Lin Su (Harvard)!

Max Mäusezahl presenting his poster at ICOLS 2023
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